Arcametrics-Adroit Data Partners

Arcametrics-Adroit Data Partners

Transform Marketing Performance Through the Power of Shared Data with the Adroit Digital Marketing Collective.

Adroit Digital leverages the industry’s largest pool of shared shopper data to drive marketing results for global agencies and brands. Our Marketing Collective combines your first-party data with our modeling engine to supercharge your campaigns and your results. The Collective is all about real people and real behavior, helping you find the shoppers who are in-market now, not two months ago.

Become apart of our Collective to benefit from:

Data that works: Utilize exclusive, shared first-party data from advertisers like you to target beyond your customer base and acquire new audiences.

Audiences that matter: Get only the unique segments that are highly relevant to your business to drive more efficient conversions and ROI.

Transformative performance media: Choose from our performance media products, analytics options and portable data products that are applicable across the entire spectrum of the customer’s journey.


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January 3, 2015