MediaMath Ad Exchange
Goal-Based Marketing
MediaMath turns on its head the traditional approach to media: the old way used media properties as rough proxies for audience reach, and audience reach as coarse substitutes for business results.
MediaMath’s TerminalOne Marketing Operating SystemTM (T1 MOS™) provides a powerful new way: our intuitive platform enables marketers to control their entire marketing ecosystem. You begin by identifying the quantifiable marketing goals your business is looking to achieve, from awareness to engagement to conversion to loyalty. Advanced algorithms mine a vast universe of available data, both online and offline, to identify the precise combinations of audiences, media, and messages that will best achieve those outcomes, and automatically execute ad buying in real time across all digital channels. As markets move and your goals change, our system adapts at the push of a button, giving you comprehensive control over outcomes and driving continuously increasing returns on your marketing spend.
Brand Awareness & Engagement
Brand marketers are constantly seeking new ways to reach, engage, and excite audiences about their brands. Unfortunately, most have only blunt instruments to execute and measure those efforts, such as demographic indices of media properties based on extrapolations from small data sets; moreover, most have no way to ensure that brand messages actually hit their mark. And few can accurately measure the true impact of brand spend.
Direct Response & Conversion
Direct response marketers understand the importance of data-driven marketing, and the importance of using sophisticated models to de-average results and drive maximum impact. As the size, speed, and complexity of data has grown, DR marketers have faced multiple challenges in adapting their traditional approaches to these tasks, such as managing the migration from shallow metrics like clicks to deeper metrics like ROI, or merging siloed media and CRM data from online and offline sources to inform targeting, optimization, and analytics. Staying ahead of the data and harnessing its full power has proven challenging even for the most sophisticated DR experts.
Loyalty & Retention
The consumer journey doesn’t end with a purchase. Loyalty marketers know that the variation in customer lifetime value is enormous. They’re also keenly aware of how critical it is to deepen loyalty, engagement, and advocacy among existing customers to drive market share and revenues. In a highly fragmented digital marketplace, success in loyalty marketing requires a unified view of the customer. That means integrating data, content, campaign management, and analytics into a unified marketing system, which has been a difficult challenge.
Full Customer Lifecycle
Modern marketers understand that the consumer journey is complex, constantly shifting, and nonlinear, rather than neatly funnel-shaped, and that every marketing touchpoint contributes to a consumer’s overall brand experience. A holistic approach to marketing and measurement across brands, channels, and customer lifecycles is more strategically important than ever. Yet with the proliferation of media channels and data, it has become increasingly difficult not only to aggregate all the relevant information, but also to understand the impact of each individual interaction.