Colligent-Affinity Answers

Colligent-Affinity Answers

Colligent-Affinity Answers Data Partners AFFINITY IS MORE THAN “LIKES” AND “FOLLOWS” CONSUMER CONTENT CRAVING IS GROWING AND BROADENING. AS THEY ACQUIRE NEW INTERESTS, ARE YOU STILL RELEVANT? Each day, we track engagement from more than 275 million users across social...
Arcametrics-Adroit Data Partners

Arcametrics-Adroit Data Partners

Arcametrics-Adroit Data Partners Transform Marketing Performance Through the Power of Shared Data with the Adroit Digital Marketing Collective. Adroit Digital leverages the industry’s largest pool of shared shopper data to drive marketing results for global agencies...
Alliant Data Profiles

Alliant Data Profiles

Alliant Data Alliant delivers a deep understanding of the behaviors that drive engagement, response and performance in your market. As people consume goods and services, Alliant pays attention. We capture vital information from hundreds of direct-to consumer brands to...


AddThis profile search targeting keyword profiles Anytime someone shares, follows, or interacts with a piece of content, there’s a good chance AddThis has something to do with it. According to comScore, we reach over 98% of the US — that’s more than...
AcXiom Data Access

AcXiom Data Access

Tech Partner Access No matter how great your product or service may be, if you don’t get your message to the people who care, it doesn’t matter. We deliver the simple and flexible solutions you need to accurately recognize more consumers, define key audience segments...