If you have submitted a Campaign and have not received traffic in at least 3 Days, here is the
main culprit.
Below is a message I sent to Members when asked why some campaigns were denied. Please
follow these guidelines and you will see a significant increase in traffic quality and quantity.
I have been awaiting a reply from our primary Technology Partners regarding
a few campaigns that are either Pending Approval, or Denied. I wanted to
get a definitive answer, or at least an answer that would substantially increase
approvals and reduce any delays with approvals.
After reading the exact letter sent to me, I urge you to re-evaluate how your
Creatives are designed and make any changes to them, so that you can take
advantage of the HUGE amounts of traffic in the RTB Marketplace.
If we are outsourcing them for you, we have already alerted the outsource partners that
they MUST change ALL banners to conform to these requirements. And if we are creating
banners for you in-house, we are reformatting all of them to meet this requirement.
Below is the email I received in response to Campaign approvals. Please make
the changes as outlined and you will get much faster approvals and a LOT more
denied by the Ad Exchanges. Unfortunately the banners for those Campaigns
have failed the audit process with the Ad Exchange Reviewers.Some of the campaigns will
still run with the smaller networks, but it is doubtful that your clients will get the amount
of impressions they are looking for.The reason that was given for the banners failing audit was “Creative does
not contain sufficient brand notification”
The Ad Exchanges want to see some brand identification in the banners. It
does not have to be a national brand that is recognizable, so you are not limited
to what you can promote to the Ad Exchanges. However, banners that do not have some brand
identification are not going to pass audit.
The Ad Exchanges state:
“When evaluating a creative for appropriate brand notification, the audit team looks for at least one
of three things:
1. A clearly identifiable logo – If the only branding on the creative is a logo,
that exact logo must also be on the landing page to be sufficient.
2. A landing page URL – If the only branding on the creative is a landing
page URL, that URL must be the URL the creative has as its landing page.
3. A distinct brand name – If the only branding on the creative is a distinct
brand name, the brand name must not be an actual word and when it appears
on the creative it cannot be confused for other, non-branded text (e.g. Cygnas).
Also, the brand name must be a distinct set of actual words and the landing
page must exactly match this and/or have a distinct, matching typeface as
the creative (e.g. “The Best Wedding Music” goes to thebestweddingmusic.com
and/or is written in red bold on both the creative and the landing page).
Further, the content of the page must match the implied offer
(thebestweddingmusic.com must offer wedding music).”
We suggest contacting the site owner (if it is not you) and convey this information
to them. They will need to make create new banners and it’s in their best interest
to create banners that will be accepted on the major Ad Exchanges such as Google, Facebook,
Yahoo and Microsoft.
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